Wacky Wordplay Wednesday’s are short little wordplay challenges for the class, car or wherever you are! Here are three playlists of WWW fun…the top one is being fed this fall, so you can have a wordplay ball! The other two are from the past, but they are still a blast! Scroll down to find the written activities to display on a smart board or online:

www – Palindrome Play
Is it a PALINDROME or not?! Listen to 5 words or phrases and YOU decide - PALINDROME or not?! Read ...

www – Silly Syllogism
WHAT is the Conclusion?! Play the OTHER game show everyone is talking about - ARE YOU SILLY! Test your logic, ...

www – Synonym Spice
Play the game show everyone is talking about - Synonym Spice! Play 4 rounds of Synonym Spice and see if ...