EmOcean Play with Venus Underwater author Julia Hengst

On this episode we get to sail to the land of Mermaidia! Which means you’ll get to hear our interview with author Julia Hengst where she tells us all about the wordplay filled mermaid world she created called Mermaidia. You’ll learn about her new book Venus Underwater: Songs from Mermaidia and how mermaids use song, dance, and wordplay which can help you sort through your emOceans. You’ll also get to hear some of the wonderful music that will bring this world to life. And, as always, we have a couple of Buttons & Figs kids who were inspired by Julia’s mermaid world, who will show us their ways to wordplay….so let’s get started…

To learn more visit Venus and Her Fly Trip

To learn more, visit Julia Hengst: venusandherflytrip.net
Illustrations by Ester Samuals-Davis: dirtyliketheweeds.com
Music by Rachel Panni and Alison Balano: NightskyMind.com

Buttons & Figs kids: Brianna and Ariyah
SFX by Zapsplat
Interview recorded via Zoom
Created and produced by Pamela Rogers
Mastered by Blaise Collins