Buttons & Figs, in collaboration with teachers, librarians and parents of elementary school aged kids, brings wordplay concepts to kids in order to inspire them to write and play with words. In turn, those kids, your kids, share their writings and ideas on our podcast. If you would like to invite Buttons & Figs to come play in your library, classroom, or home – send me an email: pamela@buttonsandfigs.com. I would love to play.
Wordplay Way 1: Buttons & Figs visits your classroom to play with words. This Way includes one classroom visit and looks like this:
- Introduction (10 min): Buttons & Figs podcast is introduced along with podcasts in general, then we introduce a great author or poet and read a work that will inspire students to wordplay.
- Writing (20 – 25 min): Working in groups, wordplay prompts are used to encourage kids to write and play with words. Prompts utilize the figurative language concepts shared during the introduction. Kids work toward a poem or piece that will be recorded and woven together through audio;
- Performance (15 – 20 min): Using a handheld recorder, each group will recite the lines they like the best from their written exercise.
- Publication: With permission, we amplify their voices using sound FX and audio tools to create an episode designed to inspire other kids to play.
Wordplay Way 2: Buttons & Figs visits your classroom TWICE to play with words. This Way includes one classroom visit to talk about a figurative language concept or introduce a great work of nonsense literature, song or poem and we talk about what makes great writing great. Then Buttons & Figs leaves behind a wordplay challenge that kids will work on with their teacher or parent. Buttons & Figs then comes back to the classroom once writing is complete to record them reading their works for an episode.
Way 2 looks like WAY 1 except no recording happens during the first visit, only inspiration, discussion and play. The second class visit is then used to record all students. Since kids get more time to reflect and write with Way 2, a second full class period is needed to record.
Wordplay Way 3: Buttons & Figs visits your library or bookstore for 1 hour to inspire visiting kids and their families to play with words. Library & Bookstore workshops are open and welcoming for all families with young children. We bring a live mic, a great work of nonsense literature along with a writing prompt, and we ask kids to write, play and perform. Parents learn about podcasts for kids and kids LOVE to hear their words amplified with sound FX and background sounds. If attendance is small we can also record kids so their voices can be featured on a future podcast episode. If attendance is larger we usually just perform for one another live! Programming is flexible based on the size of your library or store, contact me for more details! pamela@buttonsandfigs.com
Here are a few fine examples of what happens when kids play:
Way 1: Food Play with 1st Grade Class Way 2: Idea Play with 2nd Grade Class Way 2: Idiom Play with 3rd Grade Class Way 2: Adaptation Play with 4th Grade Way 3: Holiday Poem Play at Glendale Public Library Way 3: Personification Play at Phoenix Public Library
Here are examples of what a library or bookstore promotion flyer looks like:
Glendale Public Library Changing Hands Bookstore